Polidoro da lanciano biography of rory gilmore

Polidoro da lanciano biography of rory gilmore wife

Polidoro da lanciano biography of rory gilmore book.


  Italian painter, also known as Polidoro Lanzani; Polidoro de Renzi di Lanzano; Polidoro Veneziano.

Documented in Venice before 1536, he specialized in paintings showing various combinations of the Holy Family and saints in informal, outdoor settings. Although Polidoro was not a pupil of Titian, his works are closely dependent on the older master s paintings of this type and have often been mistakenly attributed to him.

The Holy Family with the Infant St John the Baptist (c.

Polidoro da lanciano biography of rory gilmore

  • Polidoro da lanciano biography of rory gilmore
  • Polidoro da lanciano biography of rory gilmore wife
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  • 1550; Paris, Louvre) is typical of Polidoro s work. A delicately handled figure group is set in a spacious wooded landscape, where the foliage is treated with literal precision. The Christ Child leans forward to accept a lamb offered by St John.

    The motif was often used by Polidoro but is found earlier in Titian s Virgin and Child with St Agnes and the Infant St John the Baptist (c. 1535; Dijon, Muse des Beaux-Arts).
      Despite his continuing alle